Court Street Grille in Mountain View closes due to staffing shortage; owner implements 15%

Yousef said he has spoken with several friends and other business owners who have been having the same problem. Yousef said he hopes staffing issues across the country improve.

“I started working in ’89 as a dishwasher. The past two years have been as stressful as all 32 years combined,” Yousef said.

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In December 2020, Yousef closed the Court Street Grille at Lake James. He’s been running the Court Street Grille in Lincolnton since 2003, and Jan. 1 was the 10-year anniversary for the Hickory location.

Yousef said experience is not necessary. Wages for waiting staff is $2.50 or more and wages for cooks and other positions is $10 or more an hour. For anyone interested in applying, call the Court Street Grille in Lincolnton at 704-732-3242 or drop by the location to speak with Osama Yousef, Carrie Yousef, Jeremy Upton or Sara Upton.

Prices at the Court Street Grille restaurants have increased since November due to an increase in supply costs, according to a Nov. 9, 2021, post on the Court Street Grille — Hickory Facebook page.

“Out of necessity during these hard times, we will be implementing a 15% inflation charge on all tickets. We ask for your patience as we manage through global supply chain issues, increased food, labor, freight and shipping costs. We hope that these things will turn around and that this charge will just be a temporary solution to allow us to continue to serve you,” the post said.

Read More: Court Street Grille in Mountain View closes due to staffing shortage; owner implements 15%

building industrycommercecostEconomicsgrillehickoryInflationjeremy uptonlawosama yousefpricerestaurantsara uptonstaff memberstreet grillework
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