San Francisco pension fund adds to companies restricted list

San Francisco pension fund adds to companies restricted list

SFERS has no direct exposure to the companies. The board also approved the removal of Kuwait Finance House from the list of restricted Sudan-involved companies because the firm has put necessary governance policies in place.

The Sudan-related restricted list currently has a total of seven companies.

Among firearms and ammunition manufacturers and retailers, the board approved adding to its restricted list Ammo Inc., a sporting ammunition manufacturer that derives 45% of its revenue from the manufacturing of firearms and ammunition for civilian markets. According to Mr. Collins and Ms. von Schulthess’ memo, SFERS had no exposure to the company.

The board also removed Camping World Holdings from the restricted the list because the company has exited firearms sales and no longer derives any revenues from the practice.

SFERS has a total of 17 companies involved with firearm and ammunition manufacturing and retailing on its restricted list.

Among tobacco companies, the board approved the addition of A1 Group, which MSCI estimates derives 95% of its revenue from U.S. tobacco manufacturing; and Charlie’s Holdings, whose subsidiaries Charlie’s Chalk Dust and Don Polly operate in the e-cigarette industry. MSCI estimates 20% of the company’s revenue are derived from U.S. tobacco manufacturing.

SFERS has a total of 19 tobacco-associated companies on its restricted list.

Also at its meeting Thursday, the board reviewed its engagement and restrictions for companies involved in fossil fuels, and Mr. Collins and Ms. von Schulthess did not recommend any additions to that list.

Read More: San Francisco pension fund adds to companies restricted list

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