Wall Street Journal CMO Suzi Watford to Exit

Suzi Watford, chief marketing and membership officer of The Wall Street Journal and executive vice president of consumer at

News Corp’s

Dow Jones unit, is exiting after more than two decades at the company, Dow Jones Chief Executive

Almar Latour

said in a note to employees Friday.

Ms. Watford said that it was “an honor” to work at Dow Jones, the unit of News Corp that runs The Wall Street Journal, adding that she is interested in becoming a CEO elsewhere.

Ms. Watford oversees subscriptions for Dow Jones, one of the unit’s most important revenue streams. News Corp said earlier this month that digital-only subscriptions for Dow Jones, which also includes Barron’s Group, were about 3.6 million. Digital-only subscriptions for the Journal were 2.8 million, News Corp said, a 19% increase over the year-earlier quarter.

In an internal note, Mr. Latour said that Ms. Watford was the lead driver behind the company’s “3 in 3” campaign, during which Dow Jones aimed to reach 3 million subscriptions in three years.

Ms. Watford’s last day at Dow Jones will be Nov. 19, Mr. Latour’s note said. The marketing and membership teams will be led by Karl Wells, the chief subscriptions officer, and

Christina Komporlis,

who oversees enterprise and professional membership for Dow Jones.

“Under Suzi’s leadership, the team helped drive our industry-leading transition to a digital-first, consumer-focused business,” Mr. Latour said.

Several members of Dow Jones’ C-suite have announced plans to leave the company this year. Publishing company

John Wiley & Sons,

Inc. said in October that Dow Jones Chief Financial Officer Christina Van Tassell will leave Dow Jones to become its chief financial officer. Matthew Hutchison, Dow Jones’ chief communications officer, left the company earlier this year, as did Chief People Officer Kamilah Mitchell-Thomas. The company has hired executives to replace Ms. Mitchell-Thomas and Mr. Hutchison.

Write to Benjamin Mullin at Benjamin.Mullin@wsj.com

Corrections & Amplifications
Matthew Hutchison is the former Dow Jones chief communications officer who left the company earlier this year. An earlier version of this article incorrectly spelled his last name as Hutchinson. (Corrected on Nov. 12)

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